Points to Remember for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Points to Remember for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Points to Remember for Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatments and using it Intra-Articular Applications

  • PRP Purpose:

    Growth factors are released from within and this promotes angiogenesis, cellular proliferation, and provides an extracellular matrix for cell rebuilding.

  • Indications:

    OsteoArthritis (OA), Tendonitis, Ligament injuries, burns, open wounds, bone grafts, dental procedures.

  • Administration of PRP

    May be performed every 2-3 weeks until desired effect (1-3 treatments). Re-administration every 9-12 months depending on the pet.

  • A “Flare” pain response

    Occurs 24-72 hours post injection. The pain gets worse during this time before it gets better. We like to use NSAIDs to reduce this “flare” response.

  • Do not use ice or ice packs after a treatment.

    Cold causes vasoconstriction and thus reduces the effectiveness of the PRP treatment.

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